Married for 26 years, 3 wonderful children, 2 very spoiled dogs! Grew up in California, lived in several places in the US and have settled in beautiful Amish country Lancaster County Pennsylvania!
Well, my mom isn't doing very well, she hasn't been eating, and they have told her that if she doesn't start, then a feeding tube will be put in. She will not eat, and thinks she is eating and they are bringing her 2nd helping. They are giving her an pain epidural into her back on Thursday hoping it will help with the pain, we are keeping our fingers crossed that it will help and therefore get her eating and doing physical therapy. She is not being the nice cooperative person she needs to be hopefully she will not give up and that she will keep trying!
Here's to her fairy godmother....hopefully she can be of assistance! :-)
Hello everyone...sorry it has been a couple of days... it has been so hot here... I think it is giving California a run for its money... I have been trying to get all mom's affairs in order and as you know with any burocracy... paper work...paper work... and then more paper work... Mom has been doing well... she has been onery as all get out! Giving the nurses a real hard time as only mom can... she keeps them in stitches and they all ask if she always was such a hoot and I just smile and say..."Oh yeaa!" Lately it has been all about her "Sainted Ol'e grandmother from Ireland..." in her best Irish accent... it really is rather funny..... they really like her around there... they say she really makes them laugh... there is a lady named Helen here who fell and broke her hip and you should hear the two of them... threatening to "turn the joint upside down" if they don't get a better menu... (I thought the food was fine... but you know mom and her love to one can make food as good as she did.....) It seems like it is always me and Helen's son George and I against the two of them... "come on... one more bite... " and the two of them ganging up on the two poor old children... only trying to help them eat better...... us innocent... kids... never doing anything wrong... and about that time mom will tell them that I personally put each and every gray hair on her head... nothing about my bratty sister...just poor old me! hahaha! Some how I don't look too innocent...but hey! I try! haha! Today Mom went to Sacrament Meeting at the hospital and she was happy as a clam. They also had Cornbeef and Cabbage... and she ate every bite... although she would never admit it! hahaha! They have her on pain management so she can get more out of her therapy. I can see an improvement everyday I come in so she is getting if we can just get her back better... then everything else will come also. They tell her she will probably be there for 6 months. They will reeveluate her then to see what to do next. Keep all the really funny cards coming! She loves them! She loves calls too but the nurses don't always put her phones next to her but I try to be there by noon and leave about 6:30-7pm. So if you don't get ahold of her leave a message (on her cell phone) or with the nurses station and I will try and have her call you back. so that's all for now... later!
Denise & Mom
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Well I had a good talk with my sister, and it will be very unlikely mom will ever be able to go home and live on her own again. We are taking it one day, a time. Where's my mom's rainbow....?
I just love anything having to do with Noah's Ark, we have gotten so much rain than I have begun to wonder if I need to get busy and make an ark! We have rain again today...with lots of thunder.....
Friday, July 14, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Mom is doing as well as can be expected. They are trying to manage her back pain. When she had the stroke she was asleep and tried to get out of bed the next morning not knowing what had happened, She kept falling and hurt her already bad back. The good thing is she can feel the pain, the bad thing is she can feel the pain! They are having a hard time with her in the physical therapy because of the pain and trying to manage it and yet help her. Denise indicated she was on a stationary bike for over an hour which is great. I'm sure mom wished the bike wasn't stationary and could ride right out of the rehab center! The goal is to get her home as soon as possible. The stroke affected her left side, her leg is coming back as well as her face, we aren't sure about her left arm. She curled her left hand around the parallel bars so we are hoping for a miracle. Her speech is much better, but she is so tired there are times you cannot understand her, it is like talking to someone who has been to the dentist and their tongue is numb but everytime I talk with her she sounds exhausted but better! Denise is great at keeping me informed, it has been very difficult to not be there to help. I appreciate all she is doing for mom, this is no easy task to be the child one day to your parents and suddenly with no warning.....become the parent...
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Corky Romano the Corkster! Always under my feet, and a bit camera shy!
Miss Button Lulu famous bikini model!
Erik leaving for Boy Scout camp! He went to Camp Rodney in Maryland which is right on the Chesapeake Bay! He learned all kinds of fun things like archery, kiacking on the bay, shooting all kinds of guns! Too much fun for this guy!
These were the best girls I have ever had on a field trip! We spent the day in DC museum hopping! It was beautiful! Not too hot and beautiful blue sky and before the tourist season! Miss Hannah is in the green with the shades! Me, I'm behind the camera as usual!
Here is Miss Hannah and her friends on a field trip to the Holocaust Museum, It was very depressing and eye opening! So sad...
Erik giving the star a BIG hug!->->
Here is our star! Miss Emma
It was the most amazing show...they had kids flying in the air and it was just amazing! Oh did I say how amazing it was! :-)
This is the "big" performance for Emma at school, Dance theatre! Can you see her? lol
Here is Sunday again! I didn't make it to church today. I talked with my mom last night and my sister and my nerves and worrisome nature took over and I got really sick! Not good! I worry entirely too much. I know mom is in good hands and Denise is taking good care of her, but being all the way across the country makes it really hard! I cannot imagine how I will be next year when Miss Emma leaves for the "Y".
The girls are really excited to leave in 2 weeks for EFY at Lockhaven. This will be Emma's 4th year and Hannah's 1st! They have already decided on what they have to take to wear and to beef up the wardrobes! Funny little chickas!
I have to try to publish a picture so I will try with my favorite flowers...African Violets!
As most of you know, my mom had a stroke 2 weeks ago, and was paralyzed on the left side, she is now in a wonderful rehabilation center in Ogden Utah and is doing great. The feeling is coming back to her left leg and face. They have her in entense therapy every day and they do not let her sit around, they keep her very busy! Her speech has improved you can understand what she says now, every day is a milestone for her and her indenpendance! The main goal is to get her home and living on her own again which she desperatly wants!
Thank you for your kind words and prayers on her behalf!
I have finally given in to this blog thing! I am so busy I do not have time to write and stay in touch so this will be the way to do that and ramble on about "stuff"